Bright Orange is the new Yellow! 3 Essential Colours to POP YOUR HORSE this Winter!

stand out from the herd!

Whilst wearing HiViz clothing is not a legal requirement, it certainly helps reduce the chances of an accident due to delayed visibility.  It has recently been discovered that whilst Yellow has been the most popular colour to date motorists are getting used to seeing it and are responding more to less natural colours. Guess what the 3 top colours are.....?

Bright Orange & Pink are the new Yellow and green! 3 Essential Colours to POP YOUR HORSE this winter.

Whilst wearing HiViz clothing is not a legal requirement, it certainly helps reduce the chances of an accident due to delayed visibility.  It has recently been discovered that whilst Yellow has been the most popular colour to date motorists are getting used to seeing it and are responding more to less natural colours. Guess what the 3 top colours are.....?

Today I want to talk about colour coordination! You may think this to be a bit of a fashionista extravagance but I am DEADLY serious here. Think racing and hunter trials- you want YOU  and YOUR horse to look like you are going to a rave in a field in the 90s!. Joking aside how you layer your HiViz accessory is important to ensure it captures the attention of the driver or whoever needs to see you. If you are wearing a yellow top with a yellow hi-viz band, it will not be as dramatic as if worn against a darker background and preferably not green where it blends in.

Yellow and green are the number one sellers but does it stand out against a hedge?

We also have to take into account that in the Spring the fields and trees are turning green and here in California we have bright yellow wildflowers erupting everywhere so if you are wearing those colours you actually may blend in with your surroundings and not be seen clearly. Hence I say layering is not only about your clothing but your surroundings too.

Caballo Design Majenta FARAH design 


1. PINK - PINK is fast becoming the NUMBER ONE colour and when worn with complimenting royal blue and another HiViz colour it really POP's.

2. BRIGHT ORANGE -  Another important consideration in hunting season. Make sure you coordinate with a strong splash of ORANGE to alert hunters that you are not a giant deer. BRIGHT ORANGE IS THE UNIVERSAL MESSAGE TO A HUNTER NOT TO SHOOT! You may laugh but the injury and fatality statistics are scarily higher than you might expect.

3. SILVER/GREY - Reflective grey/silver is the latest addition to the hi-viz club and is great for wearing when riding in the dark as once a car’s headlights shine, the product changes colour to match that of the reflective strips usually seen on fluorescent clothing.

Mixing colours together is the best way to cover your bases and really stand out!

Caballo Design has a great collection of TrailBlazer UV Moisture-Wicking base layers in Pink and Orange with striking coordinating colours that really stand out on both trails and on the road. It is in fact my personal favourite colour when riding as you may have seen if you follow Farah and my adventures on Instagram.

Check out the new Spring 2023 collection in the Caballo Design shop now! SHOP


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